You must have heard ‘Passengers please pay attention!’ at the railway station… do you know whose voice it is?

You must have heard ‘Passengers please pay attention!’ at the railway station… do you know whose voice it is?

Sarla Chaudhary Sound on Railway Stations: If any person has been to the railway station even once in his life, then he must have heard a voice there. Whenever there is an announcement at the railway station, the sound comes from the loudspeakers installed at the station… Passengers please pay attention!… Now the biggest question here is whether there are different voices at each station or the same Voice is used across the country? Let’s know the answers to these questions and also whose voice is this…

Whose voice is this?
This voice heard at the railway station is of Sarla Chowdhary. In the year 1982, hundreds of candidates, including Sarla Chowdhary, appeared for the post of announcer (ie announcer) in the Central Railway. Out of which Sarla Chowdhary was selected. Sarla had joined this job on daily wages basis i.e. at the time of recruitment she was a temporary employee in Railways.

His voice continues even today
When the Railways saw that the magic of Sarla’s voice has started working on the people and the passengers have really started paying attention and the magic of her voice is visible at every station, the Railways made her permanent in the year 1986. You might be surprised to know that even today the pre-recorded voice of Sarla Chowdhary is used at railway stations across the country and another voice is added in between for the names of new trains. Sarla Chowdhary may not be on the post of announcer in Railways today, but her voice is still working today.

this is how it used to work
In the year 1986, when this post was made permanent, Sarla Chowdhary had to work very hard. In those days, he had to make announcements by reaching every station and it used to take him three to four days to record an announcement. He had to record these announcements in many languages ​​as well. Later, the Railways gave the responsibility of the announcement to the Train Management System.

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